
Spring Newness

Wow – it’s almost Vernal Equinox time! My birthday was on the first day of Spring in 1979…that’s not supposed to happen again in my lifetime, I think. According to Space.com, there are a couple of reasons Spring does not begin on March 21 anymore: https://www.space.com/881-date-changed-start-spring.html

Nevertheless, I always start feeling like myself again when Daylight Savings Time “springs forward.” I started some seeds a couple of weeks ago – this will be my second year having a garden! Last year was my first time ever attempting it, and it was an overall success. I went full Findhorn with it – all Heirloom, Organic, no pesticides or artificial fertilizers…relying solely on Mother Nature, intuitively doing what felt like needed to be done. As you can see, everything pretty much thrived for the first part of the season – including the grass that came up from the hay that we had spread on the ground! It was prettier than the lawn! I did have squash bugs, leaf-footed bugs and late blight toward the end of the season but I *think I know what I did wrong and I think I am better prepared this year! We still had plenty of tomatoes, cucumbers and squash to enjoy!

We’re planning to do raised beds with a big trellis this time – so this is going to be quite a construction project!

Last Year's Garden
Last Year’s Fairy Garden
Cherry Sweeties

I’m also doing some different things on the business front! I’ve spent the last *forever it seems, studying, writing…trying to write the perfect crystal book. The book that I always wanted to find. As I was working on it I had an epiphany – that the techniques and practices that actually work will be so unique and personal to each individual, it’s virtually impossible for me to write a one-size-fits-all book (but I’m still trying!)

I pivoted to exploring what exactly is the best way to help people learn to do the things they want to do. One place to start is by investigating is the natal chart, and there are several different systems that offer different areas of focus, and these overlap with all the other miscellaneous things I’ve studied over the years. I have been doing what I do best – making a patchwork of different elements that I think could be very useful for someone looking to hone their magical/intuitive/spiritual skills.

I’ve decided to finally come out of the (broom) closet and mainly focus on doing 1-on-1 readings , which is how I function best as a Projector! I plan to offer Mini Readings on Etsy, and an expanded selection of themed readings and digital downloads on Ko-fi. Most of my content will be on my Ko-fi page. I will start gradually releasing some of the things I’ve written for the crystal book – journal pages, worksheets, dowsing charts, and miscellaneous things I think magical folks will find interesting.  Some material will be free, some will be for patrons. My paid content work will be donation-based for as little as $5. I have to make a living somehow (!), but I don’t want anyone who feels drawn to work with me to be excluded. Some things – like personal paranormal stories & healing experiences – are just not meant to be plastered all over the internet for everybody to see, and an extra layer of protection will make it easier to share what needs to be shared. 😉  I invite you to fly under the radar with me – let’s play with crystals and cards, talk about energy and past lives, and be our best magical selves! I hope to see you there!


Thank you for visiting, and as always I’m wishing everyone this message reaches a beautiful, happy, warm upcoming new season!

❤ Kerri


Happy Lunar New Year!

Hello hello…I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful new year so far!

I took a longer break than I meant to – but honestly, I have loved every minute of it 🙂 I enjoyed the time with my family over the holidays, spent a lot of time learning new things, sifted through old things, rearranged, spent a lot of time writing, and I feel like everything is exactly as it is supposed to be.

A couple of weeks ago I was up early enough to watch the Full Wolf Moon set behind the mountains – it was so profoundly beautiful. And perfectly quiet. There wasn’t a single sound from the neighborhood wildlife (or neighborhood livestock. The cows across the meadow are often the first ones to greet the new day!) It was as if the whole world was either still sleeping, or standing still to watch in awe too. Pictures don’t do it justice, words don’t do it justice. I wish everyone could have moments like that, or more of them – the deep sense of peace and the feeling of being in a living work of art. ❤

Hopefully I’ll have some crystals and things back in the shop soon. My family’s schedule and the weather have had very different rhythms…all I can do is wait for the time to be right to get back to work, and to my little paradise in the woods. 🙂

Thank you for visiting, and I hope 2023 is filled with one delight after another for you & yours!

Love & sparkly blessings,



Gifts from the Woods + Updates

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far! Here at home we are all enjoying the slower pace of life, being on our own schedules, and staying out of the heat and humidity as much as possible! We’ve had a lot of afternoon storms the past couple of weeks, but with storms, there are rainbows too 🙂

This past weekend I found my first arrowhead while I was out in the woods! That is the most excited I have been in a very long time! It has been fun researching its type and the stone it’s made from. An expert in an NC arrowhead/artifact forum said he believes it’s a Savannah River Small type or Kirk: http://www.projectilepoints.net/Points/Savannah%20RIver%20Small.html and I believe it is made of Chert. If you happen to know anything about it, I’d love to hear from you! 🙂

I also found 2 hawk feathers too…I never know what I’ll find down at the creek, but there’s always something new!

Speaking of new, I’ve decided to test out a new platform. I have plans for digital books and eventually art, so Ko-fi seems like a good fit. I really want to keep my more intuitive work separate from Etsy, and also hopefully be a little more available and interactive at the same time! I do have an Instagram page, but lately I have been flooded with follows from people impersonating other accounts, and it’s just spooky to me. It’s really not where I want to focus my energy, so that being said, here is the link to my new page. I just posted a “Card of the Day” interactive reading if you want to check it out:


I have a few more Lemurians ready to list on Etsy, and hopefully I can get back to the woods with some more crystals over the next few days. It’s hard to spend hours at a time at the creek when it’s so hot outdoors and there are so many biting things out and about, but I love it anyway. 🙂

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you have a magical day and wonder-filled weekend ahead!

Love, Light Sparkles & Many Blessings to You & Yours!
